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Northwest celebrating ‘A Century of Homecomings’ Oct. 13-19

Oct. 4, 2024 | Updated: Oct. 7, 2024
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在第四街举行的返校节游行中,有熊猫军乐队的表演. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

在第四街举行的返校节游行中,有熊猫军乐队的表演. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

澳门网上博彩官方网站一年一度的返校节庆祝活动以“百年返校节”的主题回归,” with activities and events planned Oct. 13-19位学生、雇员、校友及大学朋友.

The celebration begins Sunday, Oct. 13, with the hanging of the banners at the J.W. Jones Student Union and concludes Saturday, Oct. 19, with the Homecoming football game. Highlights include the Homecoming parade, Bell of ’48 ringing, Variety Show, 国际升旗仪式暨1974届50周年校庆.

有关所有返校活动的详细信息,包括参与者的报名表格,可在, or by contacting 660.562.1226 or All entry forms are due by 8 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 12, and entry fees are due at 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 19.

澳门网上博彩官方网站2024返乡执行委员会由莎拉·林德组成, a junior social media management major from Des Moines, Iowa; Nikki Stueve, a senior managerial accounting major from Hiawatha, Kansas; Riley Steele, a junior psychology major from Kansas City, Missouri; and Mikoya Tisdel a senior early childhood education major from Kansas City, Missouri.

The Homecoming parade, pictured in 2015, features more than 100 entries, 包括由校园、社区组织和企业赞助的游行乐队和花车. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

The Homecoming parade, pictured in 2015, features more than 100 entries, 包括由校园、社区组织和企业赞助的游行乐队和花车. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

Homecoming Parade

The annual Homecoming parade begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, at the corner of Ray and College Avenue. 从第四街向东,到主街结束. It traditionally features more than 100 entries, 包括由校园、社区组织和企业赞助的游行乐队和花车.

此外,澳门网上博彩官方网站的校友被邀请参加在游行前8点举行的返校欢迎活动.m. at the Michael L. Faust Center for Alumni and Friends. Classes of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 鼓励2014年和2019年访问浮士德中心或大学公园的熊猫区后挡板,领取他们的纪念返校按钮和团聚年丝带.

Athletic events

在去年的返校节橄榄球赛之前,熊猫队的球迷们在西北校区尾随. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

在去年的返校节橄榄球赛之前,熊猫队的球迷们在西北校区尾随. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

每年一度的m俱乐部名人堂入会仪式将在下午6:30举行.m. Friday, Oct. 18, in the J.W. Jones Student Union Ballroom. 今年的个人入选者是埃里克·彼得森(足球), Ryan Jones (football), Kira Lazenby (soccer), 肯德拉·史密斯·波特(垒球)和阿曼达·厄克特(垒球). 2007年和2008年的熊猫橄榄球队也将入选. 门票35美元,可以通过联系布伦达·卢茨在线购买, 澳门网上博彩官方网站负责商业和财务的助理体育总监, by email at or phone at 660.562.1977.

熊猫橄榄球队将在一年一度的返校节橄榄球比赛中迎战中密苏里大学, beginning at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, at Bearcat Stadium. Tickets may be purchased online at

在返校节游行结束后,所有的粉丝都被邀请到熊猫区, at the Raymond J. 在足球比赛前到考特学院公园亭享受车尾活动. 进入熊猫区是免费的,并且可以购买一顿饭.

本周熊猫的其他体育比赛包括足球队在下午1点欢迎罗杰斯州立大学.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, at Bearcat Pitch, 熊猫高尔夫球队在莫辛哥湖高尔夫球场举办中西部精英赛, beginning at 3:40 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14.

Other activities and entertainment

Banners created by student organizations hang from the J.W. Jones Student Union during Homecoming week. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

Banners created by student organizations hang from the J.W. Jones Student Union during Homecoming week. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

学生团体将参加“捐款创作比赛”, formerly known as the Canned Art Contest, Sunday, Oct. 13, at J.W. Jones Student Union. 这些展览将在学生会展出至10月8日(周日). 比赛中使用的罐头食品将捐赠给玛丽维尔部中心. Individuals also may vote for the People’s Choice Award by leaving donated canned goods at their favorite display; those cans will be donated to Northwest’s Bearcat Pantry.

学生组织也将参加一年一度的横幅装饰比赛, 这是西北地区长期以来的传统,以最原始的方式表达熊猫的骄傲和今年的返乡主题来奖励横幅. 学生组织将于10月11日(星期日)中午开始悬挂横幅. 13.

The annual Homecoming Variety Show will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, 在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心,有一系列个人和学生组织表演小品和音乐表演. Tickets will be sold for $5 at

返校节的国王和王后将在返校节综艺节目结束时公布. Undergraduate students may vote for Homecoming royalty candidates, beginning at midnight Monday, Oct. 7, and voting ends at midnight Wednesday, Oct. 16; undergraduate students received instructions to participate in voting via email. 

Walkout Day, 在返校周的周五取消所有课程的西北传统, is Friday, Oct. 18. 罢工日的活动包括早上8点敲响48年的钟声.m. and the annual International Flag-Raising Ceremony at 2 p.m. at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts. 学生活动委员会还将分发罢工日t恤和其他物品, beginning at 7 a.m. in the J.W Jones Student Union, while supplies last.

Students perform in the Homecoming Variety Show in 2021. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

Students perform in the Homecoming Variety Show in 2021. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

Northwest Homecoming history

澳门网上博彩官方网站的返校节是每年秋天为期一周的庆祝活动,以体育赛事为特色, 娱乐和其他机会,让社区成员展示他们的熊猫精神.

1974年返校节,一群学生打扮成小丑. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

1974年返校节,一群学生打扮成小丑. (Northwest Missouri State University photo)

The school’s first general Homecoming took place Oct. 1924年10月10日,与西北地区年度教师会议同时举行. 这个周末包括周五晚上在诺达威县法院举行的社交聚会, 星期六看熊猫队的足球赛,晚上在行政大楼体育馆举行舞会.

In 1941, Northwest selected its first Homecoming queen. During the second half of the decade, Homecoming became an annual event on the campus, 该机构的一些现代传统就此诞生. 庆祝活动中加入了综艺节目和房屋装饰,游行队伍中加入了更多的军乐队, large floats, jalopies and clowns. 周末以一场由大乐队表演的返校舞会结束.

On the Friday of Homecoming week, 所有的课程都被取消,学生们在校园里参加各种各样的活动. The tradition dates back to Oct. 1915年2月22日,学生们走出教室,宣布这一天为临时假期. Early Walkout Days featured all-school picnics and hikes. In 1977, after an absence of several years, 大学重新建立了罢课日,并将其定为一年一度的返校周的星期五.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215